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Gold-Coated Glass Surfaces

Nanocrine gold coated coverglass and microscope slides are the optimal surface choice for surface plasmon resonance, surface-enhanced raman spectroscopy, and fluorescence microscopy applications.


Shipping Conditions

Ambient with desiccant and oxygen absorber


2−8 °C, protected from light


Shipped sterile, can be sterilized with 70% ethanol


Nanocrine gold coated coverglass and microscope slides are the optimal surface choice for surface plasmon resonance, surface-enhanced raman spectroscopy, and fluorescence microscopy applications.


Our coverglass products are #1.5 thickness and standard sizes include 12 mm dia. circle, 18 mm dia. circle, 30 mm dia. circle, and 18 mm x 18 mm square with 14 mm dia. circle gold pattern. Our slide product is a 1 mm thick microscope slide, measuring 25 mm x 75 mm. Our standard gold film thickness is 20 nm. Custom thicknesses and sizes available upon request.

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