Contact Guidance Biochip
The Nanocrine Contact Guidance Biochip provides atomically smooth features at a precise depth known to dictate numerous forms of cell behavior.
Shipping Conditions
Ambient with desiccant and oxygen absorber
Desiccator/dry box
Shipped sterile, can be sterilized with 70% ethanol
Single-use — regeneration protocol coming soon
The Nanocrine Contact Guidance Biochip provides atomically smooth features at a precise depth, which guide numerous forms of cell behavior and phenotypes relevant to cell migration, wound healing, and establishing more tissue-like cultures of cardiomyocytes and neurons. There are eight unique patterned groove sets per array and four duplicate arrays per chip, enabling researchers access to robust data output. Users coat the Contact Guidance Biochip with a coating method of their choice such as fibronectin, laminin, etc.
Glass thickness – 0.15 mm – 0.25 mm. Standard depths – 200 nm, 400 nm, 600 nm. Custom depths and substrates available upon request.
This product requires the Nanocrine Biochip Mount (included with purchase). If you need an additional Biochip Mount, please contact us.